Doha Academy secondary students have been going from strength each year and last November was not an exception.
- 100% of students who sat Chemistry attained grades 8 (A*) and 9 (The top A*) . In fact, 7 out of 8 grades were a 9
- 100% of students who sat Physics attained Grade 7 to 9. In fact, 6 out of 8 grades were a 9
- 100% of students who sat Biology IGCSE attained Grade 7 to 9 ( 7 being an A and a 9 the top A* grade)
- 100% of students who sat Human Biology attained a Grade 7 to 9 ( B to top A*)
- 100% of students who sat Mathematics attained grade 4 to 9
We would like to make a special mention for the following students who all attained either an 8 or 9 in all their exams:- Sara Al Yamani, Ahmed Kohl, Mariam Rady, Zinab Awad, Habiba Hekal, Baraa Aly, Lina Boutemine, Gana Mohammed, Faisal Sadek, Mohamed Ahmed, Tarek Ouda, Abdulrahman Othman and finally Abdelrahman Kotb.
Obviously, this is not to detract from the outstanding achievements of the other students who to their credit also did amazingly well.