When students leave the classroom, they see the connections between what is happening at school and in the ‘real-world’.
-Head Teacher (Al Waab Primary)-
Enrichment activities and those that take place outside the classroom often shape the people we become later in life. They spark passion and curiosity.
Through trips and enrichment activities, children begin to see that what they learn within the walls of the classroom can help them solve the problems they see in the world around them. Children are able to access tools and environments that are not available at school. Each experience solidifies learning and supports important academic concepts.
At Doha Academy, all students participate in three school trips a year, which are linked to the curriculum. More recently, these have been virtual trips to museums and other destinations that assist Doha Academy students in seeing the application of their learning. Trips are always carefully planned out to ensure that students can take part in a range of experiences covering a broad range of subject areas during their time in the primary section. In addition, trips link closely to the school’s values, providing learners with opportunities to develop key social skills, such as independence and the ability to work effectively as a team.
As well as providing children with opportunities to go on trips, enrichment days take place each term to expand the children’s learning experiences. Learners have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a wide range of subjects. The aim of these sessions is to spark children’s interest, enthusiasm and enjoyment in areas they may not have previously experienced or considered. Commemorative days are also celebrated to draw children’s attention to the wider world and develop greater global awareness.
By taking part in a wide range of enrichment activities, learners can access learning that cannot be replicated by the Internet or in the classroom. This multisensory learning experience can bring one-dimensional lessons to life and create enthusiasm for a subject that is hard to replicate through other media. As teachers who want to inspire and broaden young minds, it’s our duty to make that possible.
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Where Students Come First

The academic life at Doha Academy encourages intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits by offering a coherent and balanced curriculum.
Designed to be motivating, challenging, encouraging and inspiring for students, this enables them to achieve their potential and make the most of their time at Doha Academy.
Schedule a Tour

The best way to know if Doha Academy is right for you is to visit! Experience it for yourself on one of our campus tours. For individuals and families, we offer campus tours every day (except Fridays) at 2:00 pm. Make reservations at least 48 hours in advance, as our tours fill up quickly. Kindly bring with you your Qatari ID.