Our pursuit of transformative learning not only enhances the educational experience of our students but also embraces diversity and unites our school and the wider community behind our aims

Key Stage 3
At this key stage the curriculum is delivered through Areas of Learning organized as subjects and taught by subject specialists. Leading on from the focus on child-centered learning at primary school, pupils’ experiences now also include more enquiry-based, problem-centered, and decision-making activities.
Key Stage 3 pupils need opportunities to develop the Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities in greater depth. Planning for this and assessing the skills takes co-ordination between a range of subjects and teachers. We also plan how pupils’ experiences of Key Stage 3 will relate back to Key Stage 2 and prepare them for Key Stage 4.
Subjects at Keystage 3:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computer Science
- Arabic
- Qatar History
- Religion
- Art
- History
- Geography
- French
- Physical Education
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 pupils follow courses and work towards his/her IGCSE qualifications. This means that some of their curriculum’s structure will change. Additionally, every pupil needs to experience a curriculum that is:
- Learner-centered
- Broad & balanced
- Coherent
- Continuity & progression
- Skills-focused
- Relevant
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 must meet the diverse needs of all young people. It should:
- be based on individual pupil needs, their interests and aspirations
- take into account individual ability; and
- take into account future learning and/or career pathways.
We need to empower pupils to become increasingly independent learners and prepare them for everyday life and lifelong learning. This includes fostering attitudes and dispositions to support personal development, active citizenship and employability.
Pupils also need to be able to select from a range of subject options and general and applied qualifications that have currency with employers, colleges of further education and universities.
Subjects at Keystage 4:
- Mathematics
- English
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Arabic
- Qatar History
- Islamic Studies
- Religion
- Art
- History
- Geography
- French
- Physical Education
- Business Studies
- Accounting
- Global Perspectives
Key Stage 5
Key Stage 5 or Y12 is a label used to describe the two years of education for students aged 16-18, or at sixth form, aligning with previous Key Stages. It is also the stage of education where students go through more intense and challenging courses in very specific subjects. This stage is the last stage of secondary education for members of sixth form. When AS levels are achieved the students will be able to apply for university.
We pride ourselves on the level of academic, career and pastoral support given to our students. The Sixth Form Tutors and Year Head work together to support, encourage and oversee the personal development and academic progress of all of our students in preparation for their individual futures, whether that is entry into the world of work, following an apprenticeship or preparing for University.
Subjects at Keystage 5:
- Mathematics
- English
- Business Studies
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Arabic
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Where Students Come First

The academic life at Doha Academy encourages intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits by offering a coherent and balanced curriculum.
Designed to be motivating, challenging, encouraging and inspiring for students, this enables them to achieve their potential and make the most of their time at Doha Academy.
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The best way to know if Doha Academy is right for you is to visit! Experience it for yourself on one of our campus tours. For individuals and families, we offer campus tours every day (except Fridays) at 2:00 pm. Make reservations at least 48 hours in advance, as our tours fill up quickly. Kindly bring with you your Qatari ID.