Tuition fees are to be paid in two equal instalments. The parents/guardians are required to make the school fee payment for each academic year as per the following schedule;
- First Instalment – on or before 31st August
- Second Instalment – on or before 10th January
All invoices have to be settled within 30 days from the date of issuance.
All parents, including company and staff parents, are required to pay the text book fee along with the first installment.
For remarking or correction of IGCSE, AS/A Level papers, prior approval is required from the Examination Officer, without which accounts department will not accept the remarking fee.
No fee can be transferred from one child to another, even within a family.
Tuition Fees could be paid as per the below methods of payment:
- Visa / master cards
- Direct bank deposit
- Telegraphic bank transfer
- Online bank transfer
- Current dated cheques
For telegraphic or online bank transfers, parents are required to mention the Student name and ISAMs ID number in the comments as a reference of the payment.
After making the bank deposit or transfer, a copy of deposit slip or bank transfer letter or printout of online bank transfer should be delivered to the accounts office by hand or scanned by email to with the student ISAMs ID number, student name and class as reference.
Bank Details- Bank Name: Masraf Al Rayan
- Bank Address: Doha, Qatar
- Company Name: Doha Academy
- IBAN: QA92MAFR000000000003130344001
- Swift Code: MAFRQAQA
Parents are required to collect the receipt from the cashier as a “proof of payment of School fee” or it could be requested via email.
Doha Academy cashier will not issue the receipt if the parent/guardian has settled partial amount of payment advice.
If we do not receive the bank deposit slip or bank transfer letter or printout of online bank transfer, your child’s account will be considered as unpaid.
Newly registered students will be sent a Registration Payment Advise via the registered email address.
The payment advise will include the following information:
- Student Registration Details
- Fee payment details
- Bank account details
After successful payment of full fee, whether at Bank or to Doha Academy Cashier, the parents will be given an official receipt by the School cashier.
Parents are required to submit the receipt to the registration department without which the child would not be enrolled on the school student register.
For returning students, the following payment procedures should be followed:
- Electronic payment advices will be sent via registered email addresses or hard copy of payment advices can be requested from the cashier department;
- Payment advices will contain the following information regarding the booking fee of your child;
- Student Name
- Student ISAMs ID
- Fee Information for the new academic year
- Amount to be paid
- Doha Academy Bank Account details
The sponsoring companies will be invoiced as per the aforementioned payment terms.
In the case of company sponsored students, Doha Academy will require the following additional information:
- Commercial registration of the sponsoring company.
- Single point contact person in HR and accounts department.
- Confirmation of sponsored employees’ children before the beginning of the academic year.
As per the refund / deduction policy, tuition fee will be charged on calendar day basis if the student withdrawal application is received in less than or equal to 30 calendar days from the beginning of the term. Withdrawal application received after 30 calendar days from start of academic year or registration whichever is later, full term tuition fee is payable.
If the student withdrawal application is received after more than 30 calendar days from the start of the second term, Second and third term fee are non-refundable.
All other types of fees i.e. entrance exam, registration, books, remark fee, reservation fee (no show) are non-refundable.
The refund / deduction policy is applicable on tuition and bus fee only.
A sibling discount of 5% discount is offered for the third child, 10% for the fourth child, 15% for the fifth child and any more. This discount is only applicable on tuition fee.
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The academic life at Doha Academy encourages intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits by offering a coherent and balanced curriculum.
Designed to be motivating, challenging, encouraging and inspiring for students, this enables them to achieve their potential and make the most of their time at Doha Academy.
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